The ECHO-funded La Nina Consortium (Oxfam, VSF-G, Concern Worldwide and ACTED) aims at building community resilience to recurrent hazards in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya. Within that consortium, in addition to CMDRR, ACTED leads early warning activities with a focus in ensuring that communities are linked to early warning information and response structures.While the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) of Kenya is setting up a revised Early Warning System (EWS) throughout the country, ACTED has an opportunity to pilot support activities in relation to this new EWS. Baringo and Mandera have been identified as pilot counties for this ECHO project, in consultation with the NDMA and the counties themselves.Objectives of the consultationA consultant is being recruited to support the preparation, facilitation and reporting of 2 consultative workshops that will be co-lead by ACTED and the county NDMA authorities of respectively Baringo and Mandera.The objective of the consultation will be :To develop a ‘road map’ to clearly define way forward on key EWS gaps/ priorities in the two counties ;To get the buy-in of the NDMA, ACTED team and other governmental and non-governmental stakeholders of the project and activities to be conducted.Agenda for Baringo and Mandera workshopsWorkshop materialsWorkshop facilitation for the two workshopsTwo succinct workshop reports (4-5 pages) highlighting a road map for early warning activities in each countyEach workshop will last no more than one day. Baringo workshop will take on the 2nd or 3rd week of June. Mandera workshop is yet to be scheduled.Participants in the workshop will include County Steering Group stakeholders, i.e. sectoral decision makers and planners from the local authorities, the NGO community and the community. In coordination with the County NDMA, ACTED will identify and invite participants to the workshop.The workshop will be be participatory and will include a succession of presentations by facilitators, group work/ plenary discussions as main methods of delivering sessions to keep the workshop participatory and interactive.Issues to be addressed during the workshop include :Opportunity to improve the quality and accuracy of the early warning bulletins;A mapping of available data sources at county level;Opportunity to improve 2-way communication flow between the communities and the EWS (use of communities’ analysis and dissemination to the communities);Opportunity to increase the participation of other actors (NGOs, National actors) in the analytical process;Link between the EWS and the seasonal assessments;Link between early warning and Contingency Planning and Response.University degree in social science, food security or any related topicsAt least 5 years of experience in the area of early warning systemsVery good knowledge and experience of Kenya NDMA structures and systemGood facilitation skillsFlexibility and capacity to work as a teamPlease send your proposal, highlighting the following:A brief introduction of bidding person attaching relevant CVs,your availability and expected consultancy fees All relevant information (CV, cover letter, with 3 contact references) should be sent to COB 28th May 2014.Please indicate the consultancy you are applying for in the title of your email. Only short-listed applications will be contacted.
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