COOPI in partnership with UNICEF is piloting Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach in five districts of Gedo Region. The project is designed into two phases for it to achieve its desired overall objective. The first phase targeted; Karoshide, Dhiihtaar, Garsow Bore, Saadhumagy, Unsi, and Hamare locations of Dollow district to reach 7,000 people. The second phase targeted Guraa, Burjojiic and Bursagaar (Garbaharey), Loleys, Jilacle, and Arabo (Belet Xaawo), Cadaley, Shatilow and Afmadoobe (Luuq) to reach 11,000 vulnerable pastoralist, agro-pastoralists and riverine communities. Garbaharey district was dropped due to insecurity and the target locations replaced with other locations in Dollow district. The project aimed at empowering the communities and individual household to take full responsibility of improving sanitation and hygiene by constructing, using and maintaining sanitation facilities (latrines). As well as being an insult to human dignity, open defecation is the root cause of faecal-oral transmission of diarrheal disease and as a result poses an enormous threat to health. CLTS is a widely used approach for the promotion of sanitation intended to eradicate open defecation and transform a community’s health and wellbeing for the better.The project took target communities through the CLTS approach step by step to ignite change in sanitation behaviour and at the same time implemented hygiene awareness promotion using behaviour change communication (BCC) materials to inspire hygiene behaviour change. The first phase of the project covered 6 settlements in Dollow District, while other districts (Luuq and Belet Xaawo) were covered in the second phase. The project adopted developmental approaches whereby considerable time was taken during the preparatory stage to ensure suitable communities are selected and that there is coordination with all stakeholders especially the local authorities, village committees and humanitarian agencies working in the target locations. The population in the target areas has been used to relief type of interventions characterized by construction of latrines through external support with beneficiaries taking little if any responsibility in addressing their sanitation problem. The project sensitized the target groups and local stakeholders on the benefits of communities taking responsibility, and a leading role in addressing sanitation challenges they face.In response to this TOR, the Consultant(s) shall provide a technical and financial proposal quoted in USD and submit by 15th June 2014 latest 5.00 the following address:
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