DESK STUDY ON DISTRICT SELECTION CRITERIADeveloped by: BAK Programme StaffBuild Africa Kenya (BAK) is a non-governmental and non-profit making organization whose support topoor and marginalized communities in Kenya traces back to 1997. The organization’s vision is to facilitateyoung persons in rural Kenya to improve the quality of education while enabling families to securesustainable livelihoods. BAK currently operates in Mwala and Kalama districts within Machakos County,Ramisi in Kwale County and Gilgil district in Nakuru County.Over the last seven years of its work in various parts of Kenya, BAK gained increased understanding ofits operational areas, communities, stakeholders and learnt many invaluable lessons that continue toinform the relevance and effectiveness of its programming. The organization is therefore well placed andpoised to scale up its operations into new areas within the country. In line with its current strategicpriorities, BAK is seeking to undertake a desk study that will guide the selection of districts within whichthe organization will expand its work. The desk study will be guided by BAK’s District Selection Criteria? Provide an overall picture of key Human Development Indexes in all districts and Counties inKenya. Establish the statistical trends and ranking in education within all districts and Counties? Establish the livelihoods status among communities within all districts and Counties in Kenya? Provide a statistical justification for BAK’s choice of districts/Counties for growth in its educationThe primary method of study will be secondary data collection and review. Data on the outlinedindicators will be gathered through a desk study on key documents (see Annex I). The exercise will be ledby a BAK Lead staff supported by a consultant. The consultant is expected to complement national withinternational data. The sources of data should not be more that 4 years old. Where the only key source ismore that 4 years old, the study should indicate the year of publication. In such a case, the year of suchdocuments should be indicated in the consultant’s report. Collected data will then be analysed andThe study will be comprise of two parts. Part I will entail desk study on HDI and trends on education andlivelihoods, analysis of the collected data as well as prioritization and selection of 25% bottom districtsbased on HDI, education and Livelihoods indicators. Part II will comprise further desk study on the 25%bottom districts to cover additional information on gender inequality/disparity, security, logistics andpartnerships. The 25% bottom districts will further be prioritized and the results used to inform BAKgrowth in programming. The 25% bottom districts will be agreed upon between the BAK lead staff andThe study should be complete within 10 consultancy days. This will include data gathering through desk study, analysis, interpretation, report writing and submission to BAK.A report showing the ranking of ALL the districts in Kenya in relation to various HDIs, education and livelihood indicators, gender, security and logistical indicators, key documents used in the study (include years of publication), and recommendation of the most needy 25% bottom districts as per combination of HDI, education, livelihood, gender, and security indicators .6.0 Required Qualifications, Skills and ExperienceThe ideal person will be one trained in social science research although other academic backgrounds with extensive experience in desk study will be considered. She/he should have a good understanding and preferably experience of development issues in Kenya. Conversance with key HDI especially education, Livelihoods and gender in Kenya, coupled with access to or licences to access private Government of Kenya or various ministries’ key documents will be an advantage. The person should have good data analysis and interpretation skills.a) The technical proposal should cover:-? Bio-data report (for company or individual)? Understanding and interpretation of the consultancy assignment? Approaches/Methodology to be used and how these will address the study objectives outlined in 2.0 aboveb). The financial proposal should cover;-? Fees or remunerations for the whole exercise – Part I, Part II and total cost of study.Interested persons/firms who meet the above requirements are requested to submit a technical proposal detailing proposed methodology and how each object of the study will be met, and a financial proposal for the assignment by 15 June to the following contact:Tel (Office): +254 734022822/712588025;Off Naorbi – Machakos Road; Next to Machakos Teachers College; P.O. Box 1259-90100 Machakos, KenyaAnne I: District Selection CriteriaParticular Areas/issue of InterestHDI indicators? Poverty indices (disaggregated by sex),? Health indicators (i.e. Life expectancy, infant mortality, under-5 mortality, maternal mortality),? Education and literacy rates,? Income levels /Standards of Living? Child welfare – Child abuse cases, child labour? Kenya/Uganda National Bureau of Statistics Report? Kenya/Uganda Ministry of education, Health, Gender etc annual reportsHealth, income and literacy indicators will be treated as ‘proxy’ levels of poverty since most poorer areas have worse off health and low income indicatorsEducation Indicators? Literacy and Numeracy levels (children and adults)? School Enrolment rates (Boys and girls) – primary, secondary, tertiary (???_? Retention Rates in primary and secondary (Boys/girls)? Numbers of schools (primary)? Pass rates at primary seven (Uganda) and eight (Kenya) and overall district performance in national examinations (grades seven/eight).? Ministry of Education reports;This will be triangulated with other critical factors such as income levels, health indicators etc.Livelihood Indexes? Types of livelihoods – animals, types of houses, sources/types/levels of income etc.; Type/Source of labour – adults, children, hired etc? Availability of financial services; Markets accessibility and availability? Agriculture-business - % of population involved, income levels? Levels of income (HHs and district levels) compared to National figures? Occurrence of disasters in the districts like floods, epidemics etc? Ministries of agriculture, /livestock/Fisheries etc annual reports? Office of the Prime Minister (Uganda)%age of Population involved in small scale farming and level of income are pointers to poverty; Children as source of labour could be indicator of child labour/CP issue.Gender Inequality Index –? Indices of inequality disaggregated by sex and age across key development parameters (especially in rural vs urban)? Inequality – especially in income, employment, education, Household headsUN Women, UNFEM, Country Household Census Reports, Government Gender and Social development relevant ministry reports, Police reportsGender disparities/inequality in key economic activities, employment and education is a pointer to poverty status.Security Indexes(Ranked 1-5; each level of ranking to be defined)? Ratio of police force to citizens? National and District criminal prevalence? Evidence of security base within district/county structure? Safety of staff, equipment and other property? Presence/ absence of rebel activities/ insurgenciesPolice records; Local administration, institutions (NGOs, Churches, Mosques, schools etc), Media report; Community knowledge, media reports etcInsecurity can heighten the costs of operating in a region, staff safety may be compromised;Logistics Indexes? Contiguity of operational areas/districts/Counties,? Road networks/Number of tarmac and earth roads? Size/expansiveness of areas, terrain and topography; degree to which BAK is able to ‘spread out’ in a district without losing quality and depth of operationsNational House Hold Census report; County/District Ministry (Transport, Road and Public Works) reports;Areas with poor road networks, hilly terrain, and working in a non-clustered way heighten operational costsPartnership Opportunities? Stakeholders operating in the district/counties? Stakeholders involved in education and livelihoods and child protection???? Government budgetary allocation to districts, Counties/local government bodies; Local revenue collection by local governments? Ranking of education and livelihood in District/County Plans; Donor prioritization / focus; Academic and Research institutionsDevelopment actors reports, County records on actorsMinistry of Finance, Planning and Economic DevelopmentBAK/ BAU should complement, and not duplicate what others are doingInterested persons/firms who meet the above requirements are requested to submit a technical proposal detailing proposed methodology and how each object of the study will be met, and a financial proposal for the assignment by 15 June to the following contact:Tel (Office): +254 734022822/712588025;Off Naorbi – Machakos Road; Next to Machakos Teachers College; P.O. Box 1259-90100 Machakos, Kenya
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