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6 Things To Do On Sunday That Will Make Mondays Blues Disappear

It’s a fact, most of us hate Mondays and we all dread Sunday evening because eventually tomorrow has to be Monday. But have you ever thought that maybe failure to prepare adequately for Monday is what disorients us.

Here is a list of things you can do this Sunday to make your Monday less annoying

1. Clean out your purse/bag or car

Empty all those unnecessary things you collected over the week, the bank and supermarket receipts, you know those flyers of some traditional healer that were forcefully handed to you on the street. Organize the important stuff so you know where everything important is; it will make your life seem a little easier.

2. Prepare what to wear for the following day

Have been in a situation where you staring at your clothes and you feel that you absolutely have nothing to wear, ladies I known you know what I mean. To avoid such a scenario especially on a Monday morning, why not prepare what to wear on Sunday.

My colleague also advices that you can do a whole weeks ironing as it saves on time that you would have to use every morning, it also saves a lot on electricity bills when you do bulk ironing as opposed to when you do it every morning.

3. Prepare Monday Morning Breakfast

As we all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day; that meal we are constantly reminded that is supposed to be eaten like a king.

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Getting a good start for the week is crucial and having your breakfast ready to go in the morning will save you time and keep you on schedule which allows you to start the day comfortably. So if you can have those Ndumas and Ngwacis boiled this Sunday you better do it.

4. Prepare lots of healthy snacks

If you are one of those people who believe and survive the office due to the magic of a power snack, then you better have it ready on Sunday. You can make variety of these and have the ready for when you need them.

Trust me, there is no need to be grumpy on Monday because you are hungry and especially if you should be presenting that report you have been tirelessly working on for the last two weeks.

5. Write your Monday Morning to-do list

Take some time to plan out what you need to do tomorrow, when you have a list of the things that are supposed to be done you feel in control, you are able to meet your deadlines on time without feeling pressured as opposed to when you do not have a list and you feel like things are just falling off the shelf. Trust me this keeps Monday blues at minimum

6. Treat your self

Don’t be afraid to pamper yourself, its end month, I believe you still have some cash left. Go watch a good movie, ladies some massage, pedicure and manicure will leave you rejuvenated and trust me, you will be more productive during the week if you feel good about yourself.

READ ALSO >>> 7 Things Successful People Do To Stay Productive

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