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Facts About Freelance Jobs in Kenya

Work places have evolved over time and people no longer want to work at regulated offices ,especially young people that’s why people have resulted to online jobs like people per hour , transcription and online writing.
Freelance jobs bring along freedom that full time employees always seek .

1. Flexible Hours
The first advantage of becoming a freelancer is that you can work whenever you want. You get to choose your own hours. If you want to sleep in until noon, you can do that. If you want to take the weekend off so you can explore the city, by all means, go for it.

As a freelancer, you can actually work during your most productive hours, and those hours don’t have to fall in during regular business hours.

2. Not Steady or Reliable Workloads
Unfortunately, being a freelancer means that your income and your workload are unstable and inconsistent. For the most part, you won’t be able to depend on any regular project, client, or profit, whereas you would know the exact pay you’ll receive at a traditional job.

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3. Work Wherever You Want
Whether you prefer consistency or changes when it comes to your work environment, you can choose to work wherever you want, whether you choose to work from your balcony or while you’re on vacation at the coast. You are no longer stuck in an office or even in your home.

Find a place in which you work best. You could work in a park, at the library, or in your living room while you’re wearing your pajamas.

4. You Keep All the Profits
No longer do you have to work for a flat rate, no matter how large the projects are that you complete. Now, you get to allocate or keep all the profits from your large and small projects and clients. This gives you the freedom to then use that money to improve yourself and expand your business.

5. You’re the Boss
You no longer have to answer to anyone but your clients and yourself. No one is hanging over you or managing you. You are free to do as you please, when you please. Making all the tough decisions is your sole responsibility; you have all the control.

Cons of Freelancing

1. Distinguishing Between Work and Personal Time
Being your own boss and working from your home also means that it can be difficult to distinguish between your work time and your personal life. This means that you can work long hours and never make time for your personal interests.

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2. Not Getting Paid
Being a freelancer also means that you run the risk of not getting paid. This is fairly common in the freelance world, and one more hat you’ll have to wear is that of a debt collector.

There are ways to protect yourself from non-paying clients, but sometimes you won’t realize you’re at risk until it’s too late.

3. No Employer Benefits
Health benefits are expensive. Depending on your current health, switching to a freelance lifestyle might not be in your best interest.

Also, starting your own freelance business means you no longer have paid sick days or vacation time to use. Every day you don’t work is a day you won’t get paid.

4. A lot of Footwork
You are now in charge of finding all your own clients and projects. When you worked a traditional job, your projects were probably handed to you.

But now, you’re the sole person responsible, so that means a lot of legwork on your part. And that means you have to wear many hats, including marketing, advertising, and sales.

Victor is a Content writer at Career Point Kenya contact him

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