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7 Social Media Practices for Lead Generation

Social media might not be the first thing that will strike your mind when it comes to lead generation, but as a digital marketer or business owner it should be.

With 3.6 billion people using social media worldwide, it’s the perfect channel for you to reach and attract leads. It’s only a matter of using the right tactics at the right time.

What does social media lead generation mean? A lead refers to any information that you can use to identify someone interested in your products or service. This could be anything from name and email address to occupation and employer details. So social media lead generation is the process of collecting new leads using social media.

Now let’s find out how you can generate valuable leads using social media;

1. Optimize your profile

Before you plan your next social media lead campaign, make sure everything is in place for you to collect leads organically. Your profile should provide the means for customers to contact you, link to a website sign up for your newsletter/email alerts, shop, and more.

2. Create clickable content

Without compelling content, you won’t collect leads. It’s that simple. Remember, everyone on social media is competing for attention. Images need to be sharp, and copy needs to be sharper. With click-worthy content, you’ll want to make sure people have a place to click. Wherever possible, make sure each post has a clear link and a tempting call-to-action.

3. Design user-friendly landing pages

If you’ve convinced someone to click on your link, don’t disappoint them with a sloppy landing page.

For starters, the landing page must be relevant. If someone is expecting to find a certain product or specific information when they click on your link, it better be there. Without the corresponding content, it’s easier for someone to close a window or forget why they clicked in the first place.

A good landing page will be visually seamless and easy to read. Make it personal as well.

4. Share testimonials as social proof

Customer stories and testimonials can give you the social proof you need to acquire new leads. Showcasing how clients have benefited from your products and services to demonstrate your brand value.

According to recent marketing surveys, two out of three people are more likely to buy something after watching a testimonial video that demonstrates how a business, product or service has helped someone like them.

5. Create targeted ads with special offers

A paid social media advertising strategy is highly effective for generating leads on social media. With this strategy, you can use the highly specific targeting options of paid social ads to show your audience offers that are tailored to capture their interest. Try promoting content on specific subject matter, special discounts and limited-time offers on your products and services through these ads.

6. Measure and refine with analytics

If you’re collecting social media leads, you need to be collecting analytics insights, too. Set up goals in Google Analytics to track leads on your website. This will allow you to monitor which social media platform is the best source for your business. If you notice, for example, that LinkedIn outperforms Facebook, it may be worth redoubling efforts on that platform.

Social analytics tools also allow you to identify the type of content and messaging that performs best.

7. Social media video marketing

Social media video marketing is one of the latest trends that businesses are adopting. The social video refers to video content that is created & shared on social media channels.  These videos can be updates, discussions, stories, profile videos, or comments on social posts. You can create one or several small snippets that act as brand-building tools for your business and share/re-share over time across different platforms.

Lead generation through social media must be part of your marketing strategy

As the proverb says – Rome was not built on a day. Similarly, social media marketing lead generation is also a time-consuming task. The results are not instant but if done correctly with the right tools and strategies it will help accelerate business growth.

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